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Применение газосепараторов
Установки погружных насосов зарубежных конструкций оснащеныгазосепараторами комбинированного типа: в них создается гравитационный и центробежный эффект. Частичное отделение газа происходит при входе газожидкостной смеси в приемный фильтр. Отверстия последнего располагаются под углом 45 градусов к оси корпуса, что вынуждает поток смеси резко изменять направление движения. Затем газожидкостная смесь направляется в импеллер, который и способствует дальнейшему интенсивному разделению смеси.

Для УЭЦН применяются отечественные газосепараторы МНГБ5. Сборочный чертеж газосепаратора МНГБ5 представлен в графической части, лист 6.

Газосепаратор состоит из трубного корпуса 18 с головкой 2 и основанием 3 с приемной сеткой 8, защитной гильзы корпуса 15 и вала 19, с расположенными на нем деталями.

В головке выполнены две группы перекрестных каналов для газа и жидкости. В основании выполнена закрытая сеткой полость с каналами для приема газожидкостной смеси.

На валу размещены пята 4, шнек 12, выпрямитель потока 13, сепараторы 14 и втулки радиальных подшипников 24.

Газосепаратор монтируется в основании нижней насосной секции ЭЦНМ вместо входного модуля.

Направление вращения вала газосепаратора, если смотреть со стороны головки – по часовой стрелке.

При работе газосепаратора поступающая через приемную сетку газожидкостная смесь подается шнеком в сепарационную камеру, в которой происходит разделение жидкости и газа за счет центробежных сил.атмосфере

Дегазированная жидкость по каналам головки направляется в насос, а отсепарированный газ – в затрубное пространство скважины.

Категория: Статьи от Liex | Добавил: fkoshka (21.06.2011)
Просмотров: 3766 | Комментарии: 6 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 6
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http://greencoffeesiteme.net/ If you find yourself worn out, take a day off. But be sure to get back walking the following day. One of the reasons I became a trainer is to help people achieve what I struggled with for many many years. Losing the kilos, and being happy in a healthy body. So what made things finally fall into place? What changed to make my weight loss effective? Have a Smart Goal You need to have something to work towards to keep you focused. I also found it helped to break it down . Losing 20ks seemed very overwhelming. Losing 5ks in 6 weeks felt more achievable, and when that goals was smashed you try for the next one. Even now, I have a goal, smash it, move to the next. Healthy Eating, not dieting Just eating low calorie foods, watching what I ate, counting calories or replacing meals with shakes just caused me to feel depraved, miserable and HUNGRY! Keeping a food diary means that I am conscious of what I am eating, I eat regularly and healthily, and still indulge occasionally. Combining Health Eating with Exercise Many times I pondered why I was overweight. Very seldom did I consider that focusing on eating properly AND increasing my activities would be the best way to achieve success. Find something you Love I find gyms are monotonous, I don't like walking unless I have somewhere to go to, it's too far to the nearest watersports, swimming is good but it's the getting dried and changed afterwards that's the pain. Bottom line is if you didn't enjoy it you're not going to stick to it. Zumba was the answer for me, as I enjoyed the dancing, the music and the social interaction. Try different things ANYTHING, until you find something you can get addicted to, or that will become a habit. Don't write it off without trying it. 12 months ago when I wrote a similar article I thought running was boring. I had on my bucket list to run 5ks though so I had to give it a go. Now, I run at least 3 times per week, and as I write this have a PB distance of 18ks. Who knew! Help and Support I don't know whether I would have been anywhere near as successful if I hadn't had a network of friends, training mates, family and colleagues to back me up all the way. Their encouragement, tips, smiles, coaching and advice are what continue to amaze me, and keep me motivated. When I'm feeling sorry for myself, lose my motivation or faith in what I am trying to achieve, there's always someone ready to give me a kick up the butt! A Positive Attitude To me, this is the most important part of all. Everyone has bad days, gets bad news, falls off the wagon every once in a while. The trick is to constantly remind yourself how wonderful you are, how far you have come, and that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Trust me I'm the walking proof! People embark on body cleanses to rid the body of toxins and to help jump-start weight loss. Body cleanses vary from near fasts to colon cleanses that require the intake of herbal supplements, but they generally require you to eat a very specific and natural diet for a certain period of time. Proponents of detoxification and cleansing believe these diets assist your body's natural ability to remove waste through the intestines, liver and kidneys. The amount of weight you lose on a body cleanse depends on the length of time you spend on the diet and on how restrictive it is. http://wegreencoffeebeanextract.net/ - pure green coffee bean extract 800 mg Making your body continuously burn calories. Cayenne pepper has a special ingredient called capsaicin. Capsaicin is said to be the "thermogenic chemical". This is the chemical that stimulates your metabolism and helps you lose weight. The truth: Like every other muscle group in your body, your abs need time to rest and recover. http://greencoffeetime.net/

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