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Clinical trials of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra
Older men who make less love and who are glad with results using Viagra should certainly proceed Viagra. Some patients who are not contented with responses to Cialis may find out that Viagra suits them more. On the whole, all three drugs act and the patients have to talk to their doctors about choosing certain drug that seems best for them and their intimate lifestyle. III drugs nowadays and others in different stages of clinical trials has not just further increased the treatment options for erectile disfunction, but in many ways has become the reason for new confusion among patients and physicians. This can be added to other medications and vacuum therapy and it is easy to see why patients and future patients are sceptical. Comment retarder l ejaculation precoce

Starting treatment, medical treatment starts from these drugs. In measured conditions in which the males are young, sound, lab blood tests or such are normal doctors should search for the physical reason for their ed before prescribing drugs as the process of disease development may be graver than the symptoms, and so on, the ed itself. In some cases primary disease treatment can really exclude the sexual dysfunction. Still, most men have other physical causes for ed as written in their laboratory tests and health history, making PDE-5 inhibitors a first line of choice. Choosing the appropriate medicine seems very difficult to do without appropriate info on every drug and a careful talk about the patient's sexual lifestyle and his spouse. Retarder ejaculation

Let's discuss the pros and cons of each of these three drugs and the intimate situations that may indicate the use of one medicine over others. The first and is probably the most famous of the three PDE-5 inhibitors Viagra was used to treat ed. More that ten years had been spent on tests before being open to the American public. It has positive results in about 70% of all men with all types of erectile dysfunction, though approximately A QUARTER of them do not feel that the responses are optimal. Remede retarder ejaculation

While doing the studies on Viagra, sexual function seemed to have improved greatly; yet, all male patients in the Viagra studies had ed, whereas other two drugs studies were based on patients who had success with Viagra.Viagra's major drawbacks include reduced absorption due to food intake. You need to take the pill half an hour before you eat as half an hour is needed for absorption. The drug takes about 1 hour for uttermost result, but loses a half of its maximum concentration every four hours. Erection would appear in condition of sexual stimulation. Of the three drugs, when concentration for Viagra gets maximal it becomes therapeutic. Side effects include facial flushing, strange eye disturbances with a blue-green aureole around the sight, a bright sight, soft headaches, indigestion. Solution retarder ejaculation
Категория: Статьи от Liex | Добавил: fkoshka (29.03.2011)
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